
Financially support sustainable solutions around the world through fundraising. This provides opportunities for people and organizations to support meaningful missions around the world.

Mission Statement

Bring awareness and support to humanitarian aid and sustainable solutions in conjunction with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Vision Statement

Promote global sustainable pathways and solutions that will create a new just future for humanity and all species on earth.

Who We Are

Think Greener, LLC:
Rob & Ewa Schmitz
Lake Annecy, France
Rob in Poland at Ukrainian Refugee Shelter

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Robert Schmitz (CEO and Owner of Think Greener, LLC) left corporate America in early 2021 to follow his passion and help humanity and Mother Earth live in harmony. The goal is to financially support sustainable solutions around the world through fundraising. This provides opportunities for people and organizations to support meaningful missions.

As a peacebuilder, Robert is changing lives and the world for the better. He works with Pathways to Peace as a representative to the United Nations (UN) focusing on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Think Greener’s most recent mission is to provide education to orphaned children living in rural Western Uganda, Africa. In collaboration with Ruralcare Empowerment International Uganda.

Robert is currently an Executive Committee Member of the Rebuilding Ukraine Association, designed to provide education and technical assistance training to rebuild Ukraine in a sustainable manner.

On December 16, 2021, Think Greener LLC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Trinity Forestry Services located in Northen Uganda to achieve various sustainable goals such as carbon trading, agroforestry, pilot project that empowers women and children through the implementation of improved clean cook stoves and photovoltaics for clean energy.

Robert has practiced Art, Architecture, and Construction Management for over two decades through the lens of sustainable design. As an educator, Robert enjoyed teaching and creating curricula with a focus on sustainability in the built environment.

Robert helped Jersey City, New Jersey write their Climate Action Plan as it relates to the Energy Sector and volunteered as a SME for Jersey City Public Schools 2021 Sustainability STEAM Challenge.

He served as a leader of Climate Reality ProjectNew York City Metro Chapter and the 100% Renewable Energy Committee. He was a Chair of the Emerging Green Builders with the US Green Building Council in the State of NJ and the Advisory Board Member for The Green Building Center in New York and New Jersey. He is a member of Pachamama Alliance and multiple Project Drawdown Chapters.