Sustainable Home
Thankfully, America has entered the race of achieving a zero-emissions economy free from carbon pollution by 2050. This will require rethinking many facets of our current lifestyles. The residential sector of 128 million homes in America must be delt with by reducing the energy consumption and emissions. The future housing stock needs to be more energy efficient while implementing new solutions to help us win the race!
According to the report issued by the International Energy Agency, in effort to avoid disastrous climate change effects and achieve our goals for 2050, the sale of fossil fuel boilers will have to end in five years, new building will need to be powered by clean renewable electricity by 2030 and ½ of all existing buildings will need to be retrofitted by 2040.
Dealing with the climate crisis requires big changes along with a big price tag! The cost of decarbonization of the American housing stock is estimated at $70K per household. This will allow for the necessary retrofits to reduce energy consumption and pull from a cleaner source of electricity, while implementing new solutions for heating and cooling.
Please have a look at this article that talks about “Imagining the climate-proof home in the US: using the least energy possible from the cleanest sources”