New Sustainable Solutions on the Horizon!
Recently, I have been spotlighting new solutions for concreate and today’s spotlight may top them all!
Scientist at MIT are working on electrifying cement with nanocarbon technology. Wow! Yes, you heard that right! Researchers are helping to make concreate more sustainable by adding novel functions like electron conductivity, self-heating, and energy storage.
Concrete is already a good insulator and when nanocarbon black particles are added to the mixture, it transforms to a conductive material. In their experiments, scientists have found that a very small amount of electricity, such as 5 volts, could increase the concrete’s surface temperature around 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
This state-of-the-art nanocarbon cement technology can be used to de-ice roadways and surface areas, provide heating in the built environment through radiant floor heating and more. Please check out this article for more details about this technology and the challenges the scientists face.