Here is a different thought process for you to think about!
Implementing sustainable and renewable energy solutions requires intensive mining operations that deplete Mother Earth’s finite resources such as green minerals like cobalt, nickel, copper, silver, aluminum, cadmium, and other rare minerals.
When extracting these precious raw materials from the earth’s crust to create different sustainable solutions like solar & wind energy, the world cannot make the same mistakes they did with fossil fuels. In order not to repeat our history and have a successful green economy, we must put equality for human rights in the for front and replace the almighty greed of making money and establishing power with focusing on living in harmony with Mother Earth.
Thankfully, the Biden administration and many other countries are participating in the Paris Agreement and the Green New Deal to keep global warming at bay by not exceeding a global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius as part of a major response to climate change.
Governments and industries are preparing for the increased production of electric vehicles, wind, and solar farms. This has sparked a race to secure the mining rights to an area of the world know as the Lithium Triangle where large amounts of natural resources are located. This could have devastating effects on the local regions located close by these mining operations, many of which are indigenous people living in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and, more recently, Peru.
When implementing sustainable renewable energy solutions, we must rethink the race for green materials, allowing for communities and ecosystem to thrive around the world! So, let’s learn from the mistakes made during the fossil fuel era and not repeat them!
For greater details into this discussion, see the link to an article titled: How Green is Green Energy? – EarthRights International

Thinking Greener