Stop Governments From Subsidizing Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuel industry has been a major contributor to global warming and exploitation of workers, communities, and our environment. The utilization of fossil fuels leads to a high concentrations of air pollution that typically affects indigenous, brown, black, and working-class communities. Here in the USA, an estimated 350,000 deaths are caused every year by these industries. Our own taxes are paying billions of dollars every year to support the function of these large powerful corporations that poison our communities and destroy our climate.
It is time for all of us to come together in collaboration with our governments to divest from systems of exploitation and extraction of fossil fuels and begin investing in renewable energy and scalable solutions… Continue reading
FPL is Thinking Greener!
We have arrived at the new normal for utility scale power plants utilizing renewable energy sourced from large scale solar with battery storage. This is one reason why I am optimistic that humanity can achieve net zero emission soon. Florida’s Power and Light (FPL) is the largest energy company in the United States and is a believer in renewable solar energy! FPL has already installed 41 solar farms and producing 3,000 MW of electricity! Wow… but that’s not it…
FPL just completed the demolition of its last coal fired power plant and is in the process of completing the worlds largest solar powered battery system! Please check out this great quick read for some more amazing details on this renewable energy… Continue reading
Preparation for PII – COP26 Here We Come!
Think Greener prepares its sustainable spotlight for its departure of Phase II – World Travels to France, Scotland, England, Poland and possibly Asia (Covid Permitting-Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam). We are especially excited to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference also known as COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland from Nov 1, 2021 – Nov 12, 2021. This event has been postponed for twelve months due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland and around the world! It will be a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change as the UN Brings together almost every country on earth for global climate meetings called COPs, which stands for the Conference of the Parties.
Due to the cancellation of last year’s… Continue reading
Think Greener Spotlighting Sustainable Solution in Lubin, Poland
Think Greener’s website talks about living in grounded optimism, much like what I will talk about today in my blog! Humanity already has the solutions to reverse climate change like wind, solar and many others and we clearly understand there is a global warming problem. When humanity comes together in grounded optimism and consciousness there will be a direct connection with nature allowing for the earth to replenish itself and for humanity to start livening in harmony with Mother Earth. I am positive we will be able to achieve worldwide net zero emissions with the help from governments around the world as they reduce the subsides currently provided to fossil fuel extraction and redirect them to renewable energy solutions.