Thinking Greener!
Ocean Optimism
Back on August 10th, Blue Carbon was spotlighted as the solution of the day and discussed the important role the oceans have in limiting climate change. Today’s spotlight will be an optimistic approach on the successes of the ocean that most people are unaware of. We must not forget for a second that our oceans are under deep threat to mass extinction and ocean acidification, just to name a few. Scientists say, we have about one decade to help reverse the wrong and advance the right! Please have a look at this great article that talks about Seven Reasons to Be Optimistic About the World’s Oceans!
I had no idea that the U.S., E.U., China and other countries subsidize $35 BILLION each year… Continue reading
Researchers from two universities in China are developing a smart solar window capable of adjusting the transparency of the glazing and at the same time generate electricity by the way of photo voltaic. This technology is in its early stages and can be applied to buildings and vehicles.
Have a look at the article for further details and advancement of this new technology!
A garden and self-sufficiency are likely to be high on many people’s agenda.
Covid-19 has altered our lives in many ways and causing people to rethink their needs at home. Prior to Covid-19 large open spaces in residential homes were in demand. Post Covid-19, people are working from home more often and are looking for better indoor air quality, reduced noise pollution and visual comfort. Homeowners are investing in better building envelope measures such as triple glazed windows, better insulation, and drought proofing. All this is leading to reduction in CO2 emissions. Another positive outcome is the reduction of the carbon footprint by not having to drive to the office every day.
This article touches on further design criteria, architects are being asked to… Continue reading