The time has come to welcome a new revolution regarding renewable energy! I always knew we would get there, although it has been a steep slope to climb with phasing out the world’s dependency on fossil fuels. Humanities work to restore our ecosystem is not done yet. We must continue to educate and promote sustainability and equal human rights to create a just future! Now more than ever, we have a global commitment to help reverse climate change. With buy in from governments around the world the existing solutions and pathways are being adopted on a global scale. In previous blogs, Think Greener shines the spotlight on new solutions that are on the horizon. All these new pathways are allowing for the traditional means of… Continue reading
I am excited to tell you about an incredible scalable sustainable solution that can solve humanities problem for energy demand here on Earth by harnessing it from outer space!
Yes, that’s right! The Donald Bren Foundation and Caltech have embarked on an ambitious project, a transformative approach to large scale solar energy harvesting technology, capable of generating solar power in space and beaming it back to Earth in a form of a radio wave.
Wow…. This is a game changer and must-read article! The article also has an incredible video that captures the technology and provides a great visualization!
Think Greener and Live in the Future
Jumping for Joy!
The United States largest infrastructure bill could pass the Senate this week and has already made climate history. With senators from both parties acknowledging the U.S. is not prepared for the worsening effects of climate change, the Senate has agreed to the largest ever investment in disaster resilience. Tens of billions of dollars will go to protect against sea level rise, inland flooding, wildfires, new sources of water to combat drought and relocation of a mass migration of people who can no longer live in their homes due to natural forces of nature accelerated by humans’ interaction with climate change.
This is a very large bill with lots of funding, for example NOAA’s costal protection program would see its money increase by… Continue reading
Everyday, people all over the world are working on new solutions to help reverse climate change. An Italian scientist is experimenting with a promising sustainable solution that uses renewable energy for powering a heat pump to replace gas or oil for domestic heating. This hybrid system combines a photovoltaic thermal unit with a vapor compression heat pump providing hot water and heating applications for use within buildings while increasing the efficiency of the PV system.
Here is the link to the article that is published in PV Magazine.