As the earth continues to warm and our oceans rise due to melting glaciers and ice caps, humanity faces another existential threat! When water warms, it expands contributing to the rise in sea level. We are already dealing with a rising tide in many parts of the world. About 40% of the population lives near the coast and we are trying to find ways to mitigate this problem.
ECOncrete formed in 2012 to help combat the rising tides eroding the shoreline as water penetrates and travels further inland causing devastation to wildlife habitats and human existence. ECOncrete has accomplished this by designing and manufacturing a new standard for marine concrete. It is a strong and resilient… Continue reading
Today marks seven weeks of continuous travel for Think Greener, LLC through the EU and twenty-three weeks for 2021! Along the way, we met many people from different levels of society implementing sustainable solutions around the world, contributing to reversing the effects of the climate crisis we all face.
I write this blog from the beautiful city of Lubin, Poland where snow lies on the ground and the Christmas Market’s lights bring cheer to all as we are amongst the holiday season. Poland, known for its cold and lengthy winters is making a new claim as it transitions away from coal-fired power plants. The country is focusing on renewable energy, biodiversity, sustainability, and climate neutrality as it strives towards the… Continue reading
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) latest report, the world is heading in the right direction, but needs a more aggressive approach to avoid the worsening impacts from our climate crisis. The estimated newly commissioned global renewable energy production for 2021 is 290 gigawatts, expected to set a record.
Renewable energy alone will not solve the crisis. The use of fossil fuel must end, and the new exploration of oil and gas must stop by the end of 2021. Solar energy dominates the global renewable energy market and over the next five years expects to double its capacity over the output of wind energy.… Continue reading
While attending COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, Think Greener, LLC heard some inspiring news brining hope to humanity as it relates to the renewable energy sector! World leaders pledged to phase out inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels. Did you know $420 billion is spent every year by governments around the world to subsidies fossil fuel? The top five countries are Iran at just under $30bn, China 26bn, India 24bn, Saudi Arabi 16bn and Russia 14bn. This funding must stop and thanks to #COP26 we are on the right pathway forward. Renewable energy is a key solution to keep the world within the limits that are required to avoid the tipping point of no return as it relates to global… Continue reading