Concrete has been on my mind lately as it is one of the most highly used commodities in the world, only 2nd to water, and having an extremely high carbon footprint. I love when a solution can add a dual purpose to an existing use. Well, guess what I am going to talk about today? Concrete, yes that is correct.
Researchers in Indiana are working with a German concrete manufacture to test a new solution for concrete! Concrete with embedded magnetized particles that could one day charge your electric vehicle while driving on the road! Wow… great concept that has been around for a short time but is now becoming cost effective with new breakthroughs. The magnetized cement promises to be reasonably priced with a… Continue reading
A new record was just set in the American history books for the hottest month of June ever recorded! Yes, that was this past June 2021. Portland Oregon set a record of 116 degrees Fahrenheit that melted power cables. British Columbia, Canada hit a sweltering 121 degrees Fahrenheit.
These are the facts of how the earth is changing and is trending to get warmer and have extreme weather events that occur at a higher frequency. Please read this short article and make sure to watch the video about how air conditioners in the built environment present a challenge for humanities existence on earth. As I mention in my earlier posts, we must not continue to design and build with old technologies, means and methods. We… Continue reading
New PV solar solution being implemented by German company. The unique, arched PV design will allow for the array to slide on a railed system offering greater flexibility for the ground beneath to be exposed to the sun for the needs of the crop. This adds to the meaning of regenerative agriculture! The solar array above can offer crops and animals protection from the harsh environment or extreme weather conditions such as hail, excess exposure to sunlight and drought allowing the harvest to be optimized. This process can be easily automated if desired.
Check out the article for further details. This new technology is expected to be available in the beautiful Netherlands come 2022.
Redefining Regenerative Agriculture!
Record breaking heat being recorded around the world and right in our backyard. I am sure you will enjoy this short informative read focusing on the Pacific Northwest dealing with triple digit temperatures reaching 121 degrees Fahrenheit, causing hundreds of deaths, and starting wildfires like never seen before.
I remember, when working as an architect and I went back to college for my Master of Architecture, I was introduced to passive solar house design strategies and the light bulb went off inside my head! We must stop building traditional residential and commercial buildings with old means and methods and replace them with sustainable passive solar strategies!
Now more, than ever we need new solutions to help combat climate change. This article speaks about some existing… Continue reading