Big agriculture economic sector accounts for over 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions and emits an estimated 700 million metrics tons of CO2 with highest concentration of nitrous oxide (51%) then methane (36.2) and lastly CO2 (12.3).
This article uses new technology that offers farmers a scalable, organic and regenerative solution, eliminating the need for using chemicals to remove the quickly growing weeds that compete with the crop for photosynthesis.
This article introduces the autonomous weeding robot about the size of a mid-size tractor, powered by artificial intelligence, utilizing 8 independent 150W CO2 lasers with 3mm accuracy that fires every 50 milliseconds.
Carbon Robotics Future Farming – Video Link
The bedtop lighting allows sufficient accuracy to run day and night. The company Carbon Robotics says… Continue reading
Think Greener is always amazed and proud of new technology breakthroughs such as the residential AC battery invented by a German start-up company. The AC battery does not require an inverter also has 50% more capacity and service life than conventional batteries.
Wow… that is a game changer!
For further details about this new residential battery solution, check out the article titled: German start-up offers 5.2 kwh AC battery that works without inverter.
Today is a warm 88 degrees in the suburbs of New Jersey with the heat island effect expected to reach close to 100 degrees in NYC. It is a large temperature swing that could have life threatening complications! The human body has a narrow temperature range for tolerating heat.
This article speaks about different solutions cities can implement to help reduce the ever-rising temperatures across the globe. What I like about the article is that it looks at the concept of measuring temperature across a city at a micro level, as temperatures can vary by 20 degrees from one building to the other or one block to the next. This temperature swing can depend on building materials and strategies implemented to reduce the absorption of… Continue reading
Last post I spoke about the different ingredients that make up concrete and today I will talk about the lifespan of concrete and why it is labor-intensive overtime.
The average modern-day lifespan of concrete is a lot shorter than it was when Rome was built. On average concrete only lasts 50 to 100 years due to the material used for assisting in tensile stresses. This material is known as rebar made from steel. Eventually water finds its way into the concrete through tiny cracks. The water rusts the steel rebar from within, then starts to expand and crack the concrete.
In my past life, working in corporate America, I was on construction jobsite hired as an inspector. My job was to walk the existing… Continue reading