Battery Storage


Think Greener, LLC is spotlighting a new solution looking to increase battery efficiency! Did you know that 40% of an EV cost is in its batteries? Not much has changed in battery technology over the past 30-years and this is all about to change!

Addionics is an EV battery startup company and sees big opportunities in this trillion-dollar market. Addionics focuses on the physics of the electric current collector within batteries at the nano-level locating space that was not yet utilized to make the battery more efficient allowing for more active material in a smaller space, increasing the range and decreasing the charge time!

This is what is going to help drive the EV market! Batteries that can provide… Continue reading

New sustainable Solution in the works for eliminating underwater electrical transmission lines from offshore wind farms to onshore substations! Can you guess what that might be???
It’s an electrically powered autonomous ship capable of traveling 300 km, filled with large batteries that stores electricity generated from offshore windfarms located far from the coast in very deep waters!
Brilliant… Right!
A Japanese company, PowerX, is THINKING GREENER and outside the box, making the process of energy transmission more resilient, efficient, and with less impact on our environment.
Want to know more about this scalable, renewable energy, sustainable solution, helping to reverse climate change!?
Check out the article and video clip for more information.

I can’t hear the Solar powered train coming down the tracks! Yes, that’s right… you read it correctly! Soon diesel locomotives will be a thing of the past, replaced by locomotives of the future running 100% on solar power.
The Solar Train Team in Sonoma, California is working towards creating an 80ft train powered 100% by solar, and travel at speeds up to 65 mph by 2022! Currently, India has implemented solar panels on their trains to power auxiliary needs such as fans, A/C, and lights. This solution alone, is estimated to save 5,547 gallons of diesel fuel each year, equivalent to $20,000 in fuel saving per train.
Another opportunity for solar to help decarbonize the railway systems is… Continue reading

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