
Think Greener – Biomimicry – Dolina Zimnicy – Lubin, Poland

Think Greener is in the middle of a 3-month journey through Europe and Scandinavia shining the spotlight on sustainable solutions around the world that are helping to reverse climate change. Today, we were hiking in this park in Lubin, Poland called Dolina Zimnicy and came across multiple outdoor pollinators, beautiful birch tree forests, streams and lots of wildlife.

The city of Lubin is doing a great job on creating and preserving their green spaces. Some of the many benefits are providing healthy places for people to explore, exercise and relax. It also creates habitats for animals and insects, offers educational opportunities, creates a healthier ecosystem, provides clean air and reduces the heat island effect! This is a great solution with many benefits for all!

Think Greener, LLC is helping to promote the 2021 Earth Day Summit from April 17 – 24. In an effort to provide valuable information, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to  the Think Greener, LLC network all around the world. Please see the recent press release:

Green Team Academy [March 26, 2021], Denver, Colorado

Collaborate and Celebrate in the 3rd Annual Earth Week Summit: Teams and Trees
April 17 – 24, 2021

Green Team Academy is proud to present the 3rd Annual Online Earth Week Summit. This free event features a full week of live online workshops and happy hours, plus a month-long pop-up networking group open to the public.

“Over the past several decades, humankind has failed at job #1, which is taking care of… Continue reading

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