Recently, the United Nations released a climate report written by IPCC announcing climate change is devastating the planet faster than humans can adapt! As the earth continues to warm, we are faced with the harsh reality that countries are not taking enough action to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.
The effects are clearly visible around the globe, as extreme weather events displaced more than 13 million people across Africa and Asia in 2019. Unprecedented storms creating floods displaced millions of people from their homes. Diseases like dengue and malaria are spreading into new parts of the world. The rising heat is creating deadly droughts killing crops and trees while putting millions of people at risk of increased malnutrition… Continue reading
New Sustainable Solutions on the Horizon!
Recently, I have been spotlighting new solutions for concreate and today’s spotlight may top them all!
Scientist at MIT are working on electrifying cement with nanocarbon technology. Wow! Yes, you heard that right! Researchers are helping to make concreate more sustainable by adding novel functions like electron conductivity, self-heating, and energy storage.
Concrete is already a good insulator and when nanocarbon black particles are added to the mixture, it transforms to a conductive material. In their experiments, scientists have found that a very small amount of electricity, such as 5 volts, could increase the concrete’s surface temperature around 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
This state-of-the-art nanocarbon cement technology can be used to de-ice roadways and surface areas, provide heating in the… Continue reading
Last post I spoke about the different ingredients that make up concrete and today I will talk about the lifespan of concrete and why it is labor-intensive overtime.
The average modern-day lifespan of concrete is a lot shorter than it was when Rome was built. On average concrete only lasts 50 to 100 years due to the material used for assisting in tensile stresses. This material is known as rebar made from steel. Eventually water finds its way into the concrete through tiny cracks. The water rusts the steel rebar from within, then starts to expand and crack the concrete.
In my past life, working in corporate America, I was on construction jobsite hired as an inspector. My job was to walk the existing… Continue reading
A Big Problem Being Solved at a Scalable Solution Around the World!
There are startup companies all over the world working on new sustainable pathways helping to reverse climate change by reducing CO2 emissions during the production of concrete. Did you know concrete is one of the most used commodities in the world only 2nd to water?
Before I left corporate America in January 2021, I completed a value engineering study for the Smithsonian in Washington DC. The project was a renovation/new design of the world famous Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden beside the National Mall. With my passion for sustainability and forward thinking, I brought multiple value engineering options to the table for consideration that would reduce the designs impact on humanity, environment,… Continue reading