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Recently, the United Nations released a climate report written by IPCC announcing climate change is devastating the planet faster than humans can adapt! As the earth continues to warm, we are faced with the harsh reality that countries are not taking enough action to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses.

The effects are clearly visible around the globe, as extreme weather events displaced more than 13 million people across Africa and Asia in 2019. Unprecedented storms creating floods displaced millions of people from their homes.  Diseases like dengue and malaria are spreading into new parts of the world. The rising heat is creating deadly droughts killing crops and trees while putting millions of people at risk of increased malnutrition… Continue reading

The urgency of addressing global warming has never been clearer. When you turn on the news channels or radio you will probably see or hear of some form of climate change. Lately it’s been about deadly climate-driven disasters unfolding around the world, from flash floods in Europe, North America and Asia, to intense wildfires in Siberia, to widespread persistent heat waves and droughts that threaten to upend food supplies in the U.S., Middle East and much of Africa. Hmm… scary stuff and some people don’t want to talk about it? Well, the IPCC, Think Greener and many other people around the world are taking action!
Have you ever heard of the IPCC? If not, you may want to become familiar with it. The Intergovernmental Panel… Continue reading

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