
City of Lubin’s President, Robert Raczynski: Implementing City Wide Sustainable Solution – LED Lightning Modernization Initiative – 2021 thru 2022

Here is another example of Lubin’s president Robert Raczynski’s forward thinking and collaboration with the European Union in effort to implement sustainable solutions to help reverse climate change.

The city of Lubin, Poland (Lower Silesia) is implementing a 2-year city lighting modernization plan. The project will implement LED lighting throughout the city and be finalized in 2022. The map in the video shows the successive phases of lighting modernization. The yellow lines are the city zones where modern LED lighting is currently installed. The orange lines show how the successive phases of modernization will be carried out. The plan includes 2,619 new LED lighting points.… Continue reading

Buses run on Compressed Natural Gas - Ride for Free!

Ewa & Rob in Lubin

Think Greener is extremely excited to share our first story of a sustainable spotlight shining brightly on Lubin, Poland! My wife Ewa and I arrived here yesterday and will be exploring her hometown for 5 weeks!

Lubin has been working hard to identify new solutions to help reverse climate change. They have captured them in their Low Carbon Economy Plan (PGN). Their main focus is to cut greenhouse gas emissions by continuing to expand their sources of renewable energy, increase energy efficiency, improve air quality and educate residents of Lubin on best practices to reduce energy usage.

Lubin has free buses that run on compressed natural gas

Lubin, Poland has free buses that run on compressed natural gas

For the development of their Low Carbon Economy Plan, the municipality… Continue reading

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