Today, Think Greener, LLC traveled to Lambertville, New Jersey to spotlight a sustainable Net-Zero Gaia’s Way Farm. This was the first of three spotlights selected for our 90-Day International Climate Action Challenge 2021, facilitated by the Green Team Academy.
We were blessed with beautiful weather to shoot with three different camera angels while capturing utterly amazing content! Gaia’s Way Farm is a great example of a single-family residence that is off the grid, self-sustaining, not connected to any municipal water or waste infrastructure.
While continuing to renovate the historic farmhouse, the owners implement the principal of upcycling used construction material. They managed to divert 98% of construction waste from the landfill. Following the guidelines of LEED and WELL rating systems, they track and measure… Continue reading
What are we waiting for!
For the world to stand a fighting chance against climate change and achieve a NetZero emission economy, businesses will need to start a clean transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and see this as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. Our governments must pave the way by creating new policies and offer large short-term investments to ensure fossil fuel free electricity is readily available.
These are important roles the government and public entities must play to reduce risk for new investors to make green investments in new solutions attractive for private capital. At the same time, creating green value chains through public procurements will allow for the construction and technology industries to implement proven solutions aiding in a clean… Continue reading
Sustainable Home
Thankfully, America has entered the race of achieving a zero-emissions economy free from carbon pollution by 2050. This will require rethinking many facets of our current lifestyles. The residential sector of 128 million homes in America must be delt with by reducing the energy consumption and emissions. The future housing stock needs to be more energy efficient while implementing new solutions to help us win the race!
According to the report issued by the International Energy Agency, in effort to avoid disastrous climate change effects and achieve our goals for 2050, the sale of fossil fuel boilers will have to end in five years, new building will need to be powered by clean renewable electricity by 2030 and ½ of all existing buildings… Continue reading
Think Greener Spotlighting Sustainable Solution in Lubin, Poland
Think Greener’s website talks about living in grounded optimism, much like what I will talk about today in my blog! Humanity already has the solutions to reverse climate change like wind, solar and many others and we clearly understand there is a global warming problem. When humanity comes together in grounded optimism and consciousness there will be a direct connection with nature allowing for the earth to replenish itself and for humanity to start livening in harmony with Mother Earth. I am positive we will be able to achieve worldwide net zero emissions with the help from governments around the world as they reduce the subsides currently provided to fossil fuel extraction and redirect them to renewable energy solutions.