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Hello from Think Greener LLC,
Please subscribe to our recently created YouTube channel showcasing our sustainable travels around the world with a zero-carbon footprint! The goal of our channel is to spotlight sustainable solutions helping to reverse climate change, while bringing awareness and educating humanity on scalable solutions implemented at many different levels of society along with new ones in the making!

One of Think Greener’s favorite places to explore was the Netherlands that has strong emphasis on a modern sustainable economy, free market and is viewed as pioneers of capitalism. This article speaks about a Dutch pilot project that will combine renewable energy in the form of solar with row farming and touches on the need to expand UK’s EV charging station to meet the 2030 ban of new car sales using gas and diesel.

Thinking Greener With Solar & Row Farming!

With extreme heat blanketing the world, the heat island affect is a very real threat to millions of people that live-in high-density areas. One solution to help combat climate change and reduce the heat island effect is to utilize new technologies that are being implemented for everyday use!

Enjoy the short read about Ultrawhite paint that could cool buildings and combat climate change. Remember, your choices make the difference!

Paint, cooling buildings and combating climate change at the same time?

Ultrawhite Paint Thinking Greener!

Think Greener – Sustainable Island RV Park

If you are traveling through Amsterdam and looking for a place for the night surrounded by nature, then Camping Zeeburg is your place! You can either park your RV, rent a sustainable cabin, or pitch your tent on this awesome ecofriendly island.
The light rail is in walking distance and only 3 stops to the famous Amsterdam city center. You can experience the open, diverse, and thrilling nature of the city itself. What I loved most about Camp Zeeburg is that they are environmentally sensitive to Mother Earth, humanity, and all living species!

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