Wind Turbine

New Uses for Old
Wind Turbine Blades

Sustainable solutions helping to reverse climate change come in many shapes, sizes and are implemented at different levels of society! Today’s spotlight will focus on brilliant ways people in Denmark are upcycling old wind turbine blades.

While recently in Denmark, Think Greener, LLC noticed their wind turbines everywhere, both on land and offshore, providing 40% of Denmark’s energy. In my recent blog “Are Wind Turbines Sustainable?”, I discussed the problems of older windfarms coming to the end of their lifecycle and the blades are not recyclable.

Denmark has come up with some revolutionary ways to upcycle the large blades and divert them from landfills. In the past, I have learned about architectural firms repurposing these blades as… Continue reading

Aerial Photo – Wind Turbine Graveyard!

The answer is only 85% of the parts are recyclable. Unfortunately, the very large blades are not, until today!
Siemens Gamesa, a leading supplier of wind power solutions, has launched the world’s first 100% recyclable wind turbine blade!
This is a game changer, as many of the older wind turbines are at the end of their lifecycle and destined for landfills!
Wind power is one of the key solutions helping to reverse climate change by producing electricity without using fossil fuels. The new RecycleBlades are being manufactured in Denmark and will be installed at the Kaski offshore wind power plant in Germany.
Have a look at the article to understand these amazing wind turbine blades in greater detail!
Remember, Think Greener!

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