Think Greener, LLC Promoting Earth Day Summit 2021

Think Greener, LLC is helping to promote the 2021 Earth Day Summit from April 17 – 24. In an effort to provide valuable information, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to  the Think Greener, LLC network all around the world. Please see the recent press release:

Green Team Academy [March 26, 2021], Denver, Colorado

Collaborate and Celebrate in the 3rd Annual Earth Week Summit: Teams and Trees
April 17 – 24, 2021

Green Team Academy is proud to present the 3rd Annual Online Earth Week Summit. This free event features a full week of live online workshops and happy hours, plus a month-long pop-up networking group open to the public.

“Over the past several decades, humankind has failed at job #1, which is taking care of the planet that sustains us,” said Joan Gregerson, Summit Organizer and Founder of Green Team Academy. “

“Too many people feel that there’s nothing they can do, especially with added constraints of social distancing. In the Earth Week Summit, we’re bringing people together virtually to share strategies that are working on the ground right now even during the pandemic.”

On Earth Day, April 22, attendees can attend a live interview with Denver7 Chief Meteorologist, Mike Nelson. Nelson is co-author of the newly released, World’s Littlest Climate Change Book.

“This year’s theme of Teams and Trees gives attendees a way to make a long-term impact by starting a team in their communities and an immediate impact by supporting the youth-led Mabinju team in Kenya,” said Gregerson.

Summit attendees will discover how to take an idea and go from passion to action in 90 days by starting or growing a team. The Summit will showcase the results of the award-winning teams from the 2020 International Climate Action Challenge. Attendees will also learn how to apply to be part of the 2021 International Climate Action Challenge.

Attendees can also be part of the 1,000-tree challenge, helping the Mabinju Power House Youth Group in Kenya plant 1,000 trees.

“We chose to partner with the Mabinju team because of their stellar results of planting 30,000 trees during our 90-day challenge,” said Gregerson. During the challenge, the team documented their tree nursery and how they distributed trees and planted them at schools and in villages. The Mabinju team focuses on training youth and women.

Green Team Academy is partnering with EARTHDAY.ORG and dozens of other partners to bring an exciting, impactful event to all ages for celebrating the 51st anniversary of Earth Day.

“We’re on a mission to empower regular people to step up and be the change they wish to see,” said Gregerson.

Special features of the event include:
● Live workshops with Joan Gregerson, author of Climate Action Challenge: A Proven Plan for Launching Your Eco-Initiative in 90 Days
● 1,000-tree challenge
● Virtual happy hours for connecting and collaborating in real time.
● Online workshops featuring grassroots climate action initiatives with community leaders and experts on topics including environmental justice, green building, youth activism, soil health, pollinators, and more.
● Access to the Earth Month Pop-Up Group for collaboration and networking from April 1 – April 30, 2021.

See the complete schedule and register for free at
Green Team Academy helps people get together, make a difference and feel better by starting and growing thriving green teams in their communities.

Joan Gregerson is the founder of the Green Team Academy and host of the Green Team Academy Podcast, Earth Week Summit, and International Climate Action Challenge. Joan is a coach, consultant, and inspirational speaker. Joan is the author of the Climate Action Challenge: A Proven Plan for Launching Your Eco-Initiative in 90 Days.
More Information:
To book an interview or for additional information, contact Joan Gregerson at 720-460-1122 or email
To access the media kit, visit
For partnership opportunities, visit
Twitter: @greenteamacade1
Instagram: @greenteamacademy
Facebook: @greenteamacademy
YouTube: @greenteamacademy
LinkedIn: Joan Gregerson
Contact: Joan Gregerson
Phone: 720-460-1122

Link to Press Release on PRNewswire

● The Wright Architect
● 4Earth
● The Alliance Center
● Creative Initiative for Enterprise Development Ltd
● Colorado Project Learning Tree
● Denver Permaculture Guild
● Denver Public Schools Sustainability
● EduCCate Global
● Freedom Within
● Garden to Table
● Green Career Advisor
● GREEN Organic Garden Podcast
● Green Team Superheroes
● The Greenway Foundation
● Golden Residents (and Friends) Eco-Action Team
● Heart of a Building
● Hugelrado Farms
● Mabinju Power House Youth Group
● Mo’ Betta Green MarketPlace & Seeds of Power Unity Farm
● Natural Grocers
● OH Zone
● openenergi
● Sargassum Podcast
● Spaceship Earth: What Can I Do?
● Sustainable Broomfield
● Teton Valley Community Recycling
● Trinity Forestry Services
● USGBC Mountain Region
● We, the World

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