Net-Zero Gaia’s Way Farm

Gaia's Way Farm

Today, Think Greener, LLC traveled to Lambertville, New Jersey to spotlight a sustainable Net-Zero Gaia’s Way Farm. This was the first of three spotlights selected for our 90-Day International Climate Action Challenge 2021, facilitated by the Green Team Academy.

We were blessed with beautiful weather to shoot with three different camera angels while capturing utterly amazing content! Gaia’s Way Farm is a great example of a single-family residence that is off the grid, self-sustaining, not connected to any municipal water or waste infrastructure.

While continuing to renovate the historic farmhouse, the owners implement the principal of upcycling used construction material. They managed to divert 98% of construction waste from the landfill. Following the guidelines of LEED and WELL rating systems, they track and measure the performance of the building and property.

The seven-acre property has a 12.5 KW solar array that provides renewable energy for the house, farm, and EV. With a strong focus on biodiversity, although not certified, the owners practice organic farming, raise two horses while implementing regenerative agriculture practices.

While we were shooting video, a beekeeper unexpectedly arrived on the property to check on their two hives. The farm owners plan to collaborate with the local beekeeper to expand their hives and achieve apiary certification!

I can go on for a longtime about the sustainable solutions they have implemented. This is just a teaser as you are going to have to wait to hear more once our short documentary is released in December 2021.

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