Think Greener, LLC Reflections on…

Rob Schmitz - Glasgow, Scotland - COP26 - Together For Our Planet

Think Greener, LLC
Reflections on COP26

Realizing we are up against the largest existential threat of mass extinction caused by human choices, #COP26 was a pivotal moment in history and Think Greener, LLC made a conscious decision to have a seat at the table in Glasgow, Scotland. We wanted to hear firsthand the voices of the people from around the world fighting for a just future to avoid the tipping point of no return where Mother Earth can no longer regenerate herself. We wanted to capture this moment through the lens of Think Greener, LLC sustainable spotlight!

As we disembarked from the train in Glasgow Central Train Station, the whistle was blowing, and cameras were flashing brightly. To our surprise Prince William and Kate were walking along side us! Wow…. I looked over and told him we are grateful for his presence and support. He then followed with a nod. It was then, I realized Prince William and Kate also come to have a seat at the table and Think Greener, LLC had made the right choice.

As we walked through the train station, I could feel the positive energy around us, as history was in the making. Large banners displaying Welcome to COP26 appeared everywhere. The sustainable buzz was in the air, and it felt great as Think Greener, LLC is optimistic the world can come together and keep the 1.5C target alive!

During our one week stay at COP26, we spent most of the time at the NY Times Climate Hub. Our press passes allowed accessed to all events, media room, lounges and designated up-close areas to record much of our video footage. What an amazing venue they created! Stay tuned for further blogs related to specific panel discussions and key figure heads within the movement.

Open to the public, the Green Zone was located across the river, about a fifteen-minute walk. The venue hosted many different vendors displaying their contributions to help reduce the negative effects of the climate crisis along with presentations, panel discussions and a cinema where we attended a debate focused on climate media coverage.

Reflecting on this amazing historic gathering, our main takeaway includes the following themes:

  • Can countries follow through with their aggressive climate pledges?
  • How will future technology aid the effort to keep the 1.5C alive
  • The importance and urgency for world leaders to collaborate with science and commit to using data when addressing the climate crisis.
  • Biodiversity must not be left out of the big picture when climate solutions are being created.
  • The Global North having the largest contribution to GHG emissions while the Global South bears the brunt of negative effects of climate change.
  • Why should the world leaders listen to young people’s voices?
  • The voice and wisdom of indigenous people living in harmony with Mother Nature needs to be heard, as it plays a vital role within the thought process of creating new pathways.

Regardless of the negative viewpoints and criticism about the success of COP26, Think Greener, LLC continues to have an optimistic outlook on the progress made at the summit. We continue to carry on with our message of hope through shining a sustainable spotlight on scalable solutions implemented to reverse the climate crisis.

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