Rethinking Needs Vs Wants

NY Harbor Shipping Container Ships



Supply and demand are simple concepts when it all works the way, it should, right? Throw COVID-19 into the mix and all bets are off. Have you recently been affected by a product being out of stock or an item on backorder? I have! How about trying to buy a car or a cargo van? Not easy to do! When you can buy one, the price is often inflated due to increased demand and reduced supply directly tied to COVID restrictions at ports of call.

The California coast never looked the way it does right now. Many large cargo ships are moored offshore waiting up to 8 days to gain access to port Los Angeles, the busiest port complex in the U.S. The port is breaking every record in the history of its books! Ships are now forced to set adrift waiting for a mooring location. There are close to 100 enormous barges offshore with main commodities in demand such as furniture, auto parts and textiles.

When COVID forced us all into lockdown, we stopped traveling and going on vacations. Then it shifted our spending to online shopping and demand skyrocketed. Now, with new COVID protocols amongst the workplace and at the ports of call, the normal unload and load times have increased. The new ships are much wider, carry more cargo and take more time and resources to unload.

Have a look at this article “Impact of Covid-19 on the Shipping Industry” that takes a deep dive into the ramifications of COVID on the shipping industry, which affects the global supply chain. It makes me think, do we really need all this stuff to make us happy? What is necessary in this world? Do you need materialistic things to make you feel worthy or satisfied? How about considering a circular economy to avoid a single stream of doom?

The human population is increasing, and people are consuming more and more. This really makes me think we are in the infancy of many systemic problems that are surfacing around the world. We need to take a deep, inner look at our needs and wants and be kinder to people and animals. It’s not all about greed and power! Caring for humanity and Mother Earth are the two key ingredients needed as we strive to reverse climate change.

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