NJ Embracing a New Economy

NJ is Thinking Greener!

Now is the time to realize a new normal! One that fosters sustainable solutions allowing us to live and thrive in a world powered by clean energy! This day has arrived! Yesterday, New Jersey broke ground on the nation’s first offshore wind port helping to meet its ambitious 100% clean energy goal by 2050. Way to go New Jersey!
Major construction of the 30-acre wind port will take place in December in response to a strong demand from offshore wind farms operators and expected to be completed by end of 2023. The site is being built on an artificial island in Salem County. The NJ Economic Development Authority predicts the project to create up to 1,500 green jobs, generate $500 million a year in economic activity. The wind port expected cost between $300 – $500 million will be financed by state issued bonds paid with revenue from the port.
The port will manufacture the giant blades and other components needed to be shipped out to sea via an unobstructed path. NJ has plans to build a sister port in Paulsboro on the Delaware River to manufacture the towers required for the offshore wind turbines.
This is a great example of creating opportunity through a sustainable lens, encouraging economic recovery while providing environmental justice. With the right mindset, we can build a sustainable, responsible, and resilient economy that would provide an equitable and secure future for all!
So, remember to always Think Greener!

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