Poland Advances Towards a Green Transition

Think Greener is looking forward to visiting Poland again in the next couple of months. We will continue to shine our sustainable spotlight on Poland’s steps towards a green transition. Poland is changing their mindset on how to generate power. Historically, the country has based its energy production on coal mining which has been a significant factor in the Polish economy.
Poland’s climate minister has agreed to invest in renewable energy, teaming with PGE (Polska Grupa Energetyczna) and the University of Gdansk to implement offshore wind generation in the Baltic Sea. This agreement is in collaboration with Denmark who is a leader in wind technology.
The countries surrounding the Baltic Sea have signed an agreement to collaborate and share knowledge behind the process of implementing large scale offshore wind farms. The different countries will begin to hold conferences, workshops and identify internships to advance this process. This is expected to accelerate the local supply chain, promote economic activity, such as creating many new green jobs to support a new green economy around the Baltic Sea!
Renewable energy production is one of the answers to a sustainable future. This is a wonderful example of countries working together for the greater good of humanity, while providing a solution helping to reverse climate change!

Rob & Ewa – Baltic Sea, Poland 2021

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