Serbia Thinking Greener With LIQUID3 CO2 – O2

Think Greener, LLC Liquid 3 Bench

Serbia Thinking Greener
With LIQUID3 CO2 – O2

Sustainable solutions come in many forms and sizes as indicated in my blogs. I am proud to spotlight Serbia’s effort to bring climate change awareness and carbon sequestration to the heart of their capital city, Belgrade in the form of an outdoor urban photo bioreactor that uses the process of photosynthesis to convert Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to Oxygen (O2)!

Wow… sounds complicated and expensive. This tech, called LIQUID3 is not so complicated and is also financially feasible. LIQUID3 is the solution! It is a safe, simple, and inexpensive technology serving as an educational component implemented into the city’s streetscape. LIQUID3 sequestration of carbon contributes to the reduction of Greenhouse Gasses (GHG) in the air and atmosphere.

Many cities around the world are lacking the abundance of trees that can convert Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen. Like trees, LIQUID3 solution composed of microalgae performs Photosynthesis. Researchers from the University of Belgrade incorporated LIQUID3 into sustainable infrastructure in the form of a vessel/seating bench carrying 600 liters of water allowing the photo bioreactor to remove as much CO2 from the air as two 10-year-old trees or 200 square meters of green space. This amazing liquid solution only requires a light source to aid in the Photosynthesizing of the microalgae.

The climate friendly streetscape benches create an efficient use of public land, providing a safe place for people to gather and charge their electrical devices. All, while bringing awareness to the threat of #climatechange in urban areas. During the nighttime, these benches provide a neon green light source helping to create a safer lighted environment for people in the city.

If you would like to learn more about this sustainable amazing eco-friendly solution and see more pictures, click, or tap on the link to view this article: LIQUID3 Sustainable Solution

LIQUID3 Sustainable Solution

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