Big Ag

Can Plasma Change Big Ag???

Physicists have been working on ways to use power from cold plasma to improve food production. Currently, there are large scale projects all over the world testing plasma in many different farming environments. Plasma can be applied to seeds, seedlings, crops, and fields.
Research shows, using plasma can be used as a renewable fertilizer to replace ammonia. This is a big deal, as plasma can be generated on site using solar or wind power reducing the need for transporting large amounts of ammonia. This process alone will help reverse climate change.
There are many potential agricultural benefits from plasma, such as increased yield from plants growing larger and faster, fighting off disease and harmful bugs, while preserving food.
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Big agriculture economic sector accounts for over 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions and emits an estimated 700 million metrics tons of CO2 with highest concentration of nitrous oxide (51%) then methane (36.2) and lastly CO2 (12.3).

This article uses new technology that offers farmers a scalable, organic and regenerative solution, eliminating the need for using chemicals to remove the quickly growing weeds that compete with the crop for photosynthesis.

This article introduces the autonomous weeding robot about the size of a mid-size tractor, powered by artificial intelligence, utilizing 8 independent 150W CO2 lasers with 3mm accuracy that fires every 50 milliseconds.

Carbon Robotics Future Farming – Video Link

The bedtop lighting allows sufficient accuracy to run day and night. The company Carbon Robotics says… Continue reading

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