Game Changer

Aerial Photo – Wind Turbine Graveyard!

The answer is only 85% of the parts are recyclable. Unfortunately, the very large blades are not, until today!
Siemens Gamesa, a leading supplier of wind power solutions, has launched the world’s first 100% recyclable wind turbine blade!
This is a game changer, as many of the older wind turbines are at the end of their lifecycle and destined for landfills!
Wind power is one of the key solutions helping to reverse climate change by producing electricity without using fossil fuels. The new RecycleBlades are being manufactured in Denmark and will be installed at the Kaski offshore wind power plant in Germany.
Have a look at the article to understand these amazing wind turbine blades in greater detail!
Remember, Think Greener!

Can Plasma Change Big Ag???

Physicists have been working on ways to use power from cold plasma to improve food production. Currently, there are large scale projects all over the world testing plasma in many different farming environments. Plasma can be applied to seeds, seedlings, crops, and fields.
Research shows, using plasma can be used as a renewable fertilizer to replace ammonia. This is a big deal, as plasma can be generated on site using solar or wind power reducing the need for transporting large amounts of ammonia. This process alone will help reverse climate change.
There are many potential agricultural benefits from plasma, such as increased yield from plants growing larger and faster, fighting off disease and harmful bugs, while preserving food.
Have you… Continue reading

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Think Greener Every Day!

Did you ever think hot sand could be a sustainable solution helping to reverse climate change?
The answer is, yes. I touched on this concept in a recent blog called Renewable Energy Storage Solutions. Lithium-ion batteries are great energy storage for laptops, small electronics and EV’s but it’s not always the best method for storing renewable energy for long durations and at larger capacities.
This is where sand comes into action! Helping the world to achieve carbon neutrality in the built environment. As we implement more renewable energy sources to power our buildings, industries, and the grid with solar and wind, we need continuous power even when the sun and wind are not available.
To meet this energy storage challenge, scientist… Continue reading

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