Everyday, people all over the world are working on new solutions to help reverse climate change. An Italian scientist is experimenting with a promising sustainable solution that uses renewable energy for powering a heat pump to replace gas or oil for domestic heating. This hybrid system combines a photovoltaic thermal unit with a vapor compression heat pump providing hot water and heating applications for use within buildings while increasing the efficiency of the PV system.
Here is the link to the article that is published in PV Magazine.
The answer is, yes! For the heat pump to become environmentally and financially compelling, the price must come down and our electric grid needs to be cleaner utilizing renewable electricity derived from wind or solar. Then we would see a large reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the residential sector.
Most homes in the U.S. are heated by burning a form of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, or propane. Converting these heating systems to an all-electric heat pump will pay for itself over lifetime. Heat pumps have the technology to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. Greater saving can be achieved if the homeowner considers adding or replacing an air conditioning system.
Here is the link to an informative short read!
Thinking Greener!
On June 25, 2021, I blogged about how air conditioners are an underrated aspect of the overall conversation about climate change as they are major greenhouse gas contributors and present many challenges for the world to achieve a sustainable green future. Today’s article talks about one solution to phase out traditional AC units and replace them with a heat pump.
Gradient is a US based company that has designed a plug and play heat pump that can go into a window, does not obstruct the view and utilizing climate friendly refrigerant that is about 30% more efficient than a traditional AC unit.
Plug & Play Heat Pump AC window Unit
Spotlighting Sustainable Solution
A new record was just set in the American history books for the hottest month of June ever recorded! Yes, that was this past June 2021. Portland Oregon set a record of 116 degrees Fahrenheit that melted power cables. British Columbia, Canada hit a sweltering 121 degrees Fahrenheit.
These are the facts of how the earth is changing and is trending to get warmer and have extreme weather events that occur at a higher frequency. Please read this short article and make sure to watch the video about how air conditioners in the built environment present a challenge for humanities existence on earth. As I mention in my earlier posts, we must not continue to design and build with old technologies, means and methods. We… Continue reading