Think Greener Every Day!
Did you ever think hot sand could be a sustainable solution helping to reverse climate change?
The answer is, yes. I touched on this concept in a recent blog called Renewable Energy Storage Solutions. Lithium-ion batteries are great energy storage for laptops, small electronics and EV’s but it’s not always the best method for storing renewable energy for long durations and at larger capacities.
This is where sand comes into action! Helping the world to achieve carbon neutrality in the built environment. As we implement more renewable energy sources to power our buildings, industries, and the grid with solar and wind, we need continuous power even when the sun and wind are not available.
To meet this energy storage challenge, scientist… Continue reading
Think Greener in Couthuin, Belgium
Renewable Energy is here to stay! I have stated that before and will continue to do so. The cost for producing electricity via wind and solar continues to drop making it America’s fastest growing energy source.
The next hurdle, we are about to clear, is creating cheap sustainable energy storage technologies. Energy storage can come in many different shapes and forms. Scientists at NREL are working on ways to increase the ability for alkaline batteries to hold a longer charge while used in small electronics and in Lithium-ion batteries to help power laptops and electric vehicles.
As scientist create these new technologies, they are already thinking about the supply chain and the raw material required for production, such as how… Continue reading