Scalable Solution

Thinking Greener & Powered by Renewable Energy

Can CO2 be removed from our atmosphere by mechanical means? Yes!
Today, Climeworks AG, a Swiss company, went live with the world’s largest CO2 air scrubber, located near Reykjavik. The scrubber uses Iceland’s geothermal heat and renewable energy to power the facility.
The technology is comprised of eight air collectors that are arranged around a central plant. Each collector has a fan on one side and intake vents on the other side, with carbon capturing filters in the middle. As air is pulled through the intake vents, the filters capture the CO2 out of the air. Once filters have been saturated, the collector shuts down to remove the carbon from the filter. This is achieved by closing both… Continue reading

Thinking Greener!

Every sustainable solution counts no matter how big the impact might be. This solution focuses on applying solar panels to the roof top of a refrigeration truck reducing the diesel emissions while truck is idling. This is a scalable solution as approximately 50,000 new refrigeration trucks are added to road each year. Clink on link to read full article about this awesome scalable solution!

The answer is, yes! For the heat pump to become environmentally and financially compelling, the price must come down and our electric grid needs to be cleaner utilizing renewable electricity derived from wind or solar. Then we would see a large reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the residential sector.
Most homes in the U.S. are heated by burning a form of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, or propane. Converting these heating systems to an all-electric heat pump will pay for itself over lifetime. Heat pumps have the technology to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. Greater saving can be achieved if the homeowner considers adding or replacing an air conditioning system.
Here is the link to an informative short read!

Thinking Greener!

New advancement for an old technology that will help the world achieve carbon neutrality. Thankfully, the solar industry is in high demand and the price per watt continues to drop allowing for photovoltaic (PV) solar technology to compete with the cheap cost of oil and gas.
As America continues to grow independent of other countries technology and resources, it increases job opportunities within the green sector. There is a large solar manufacture here in the US banking on moving away from the dominant crystalline silicon solar panel that is produced mainly in China and covers most rooftops, open land, and deserts around the world.
Cadmium telluride solar technology is a thin film that can be flexible if needed and has been around for some time.… Continue reading

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