Some of my recent posts have been focusing on new solutions lowering cements carbon footprint while increasing the strength! This post focuses on incorporating nanomaterials into traditional cement which improves water and fracture resistance. You may ask yourself; how does this help reverse climate change?
Well; Almighty Mother Nature is the strongest force on earth and breaks down almost everything man has made. Increasing the fracture resistance to concrete and resistance to water penetration will extend the life cycle of cement. Cement is the #1 material consumed globally and this technology can be applied to roads and cities, overtime the concrete will produce less waste and have a reduction in repairs.
The article titled: New Smart Cement Invented for Building More Durable Roads and Cities… Continue reading
A Big Problem Being Solved at a Scalable Solution Around the World!
There are startup companies all over the world working on new sustainable pathways helping to reverse climate change by reducing CO2 emissions during the production of concrete. Did you know concrete is one of the most used commodities in the world only 2nd to water?
Before I left corporate America in January 2021, I completed a value engineering study for the Smithsonian in Washington DC. The project was a renovation/new design of the world famous Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden beside the National Mall. With my passion for sustainability and forward thinking, I brought multiple value engineering options to the table for consideration that would reduce the designs impact on humanity, environment,… Continue reading
This past weekend, I was in Atlanta, Georgia visiting my family and my brother introduced me to Duck Weed! It’s the first I have heard of this high protein, rapidly renewable aquatic plant. A great sustainable solution to help provide high protein food source around the world for low cost and minimal impact on the environment, helping to reverse global warming!
Let’s Think Greener Together!
Duck Weed doubles its biomass every 48 hours allowing for a new harvest every day while having 100x more protein factor than soy and 40x more than peas.
Enjoy the article!
What? Johnson Controls Offers Net Zero Services!
Johnson Controls joins the push towards realizing net zero building are here to stay and prosper! They conducted a survey of over 1,000 firms in North America and found over 90% had significant carbon emissions and energy reduction goals for 2030!
Thinking Greener Is Here To Stay!
As of mid-2019 Johnson Controls has employed 105,000 people in around 2,000 locations across six continents. Do not miss the opportunity, be forward looking and Think Greener!