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Let me share with you a harsh reality that needs to be heard and stopped! Trees in the Amazon rainforest are chopped down at an unprecedented rate according to the (Brazilian Space Agency, 2022). In the first six months of 2022, 1,500 square miles of the Amazon were removed due to deforestation supported by the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsnoro that is largely regulated by power, greed, and a quick fix on the return of investment.... Continue reading

Last post I spoke about the different ingredients that make up concrete and today I will talk about the lifespan of concrete and why it is labor-intensive overtime.

The average modern-day lifespan of concrete is a lot shorter than it was when Rome was built. On average concrete only lasts 50 to 100 years due to the material used for assisting in tensile stresses.  This material is known as rebar made from steel. Eventually water finds its way into the concrete through tiny cracks. The water rusts the steel rebar from within, then starts to expand and crack the concrete.

In my past life, working in corporate America, I was on construction jobsite hired as an inspector. My job was to walk the existing… Continue reading

Some of my recent posts have been focusing on new solutions lowering cements carbon footprint while increasing the strength! This post focuses on incorporating nanomaterials into traditional cement which improves water and fracture resistance. You may ask yourself; how does this help reverse climate change?

Well; Almighty Mother Nature is the strongest force on earth and breaks down almost everything man has made. Increasing the fracture resistance to concrete and resistance to water penetration will extend the life cycle of cement. Cement is the #1 material consumed globally and this technology can be applied to roads and cities, overtime the concrete will produce less waste and have a reduction in repairs.

The article titled: New Smart Cement Invented for Building More Durable Roads and Cities… Continue reading

What? Johnson Controls Offers Net Zero Services!

Johnson Controls joins the push towards realizing net zero building are here to stay and prosper! They conducted a survey of over 1,000 firms in North America and found over 90% had significant carbon emissions and energy reduction goals for 2030!

Thinking Greener Is Here To Stay!

As of mid-2019 Johnson Controls has employed 105,000 people in around 2,000 locations across six continents. Do not miss the opportunity, be forward looking and Think Greener!

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