What Can I Do – Beginning Gardening

Gardening it Does a Planet Good - Think Greener, LLC - Think-Greener.com

What can anyone do to help alleviate the climate crisis? Recently at Think Greener, LLC, we have been pondering the answer to that very question. This is our first offering on this topic! Gardening can be a great hobby. It can also reduce your annual grocery bill. Visit your local garden center to talk with experts, and find out what and when to plant in your area. Gardening can be fun and rewarding, helping you and your family eat healthily, while alleviating the climate crisis.

Use the land or space you have to grow food or flowers. Every little bit helps to offset your carbon footprint while minimizing the environmental impact. The more plants you grow indoors or out, from flowers and veggies to bushes and trees, the greater you reduce the ill effects of global warming gasses like carbon dioxide or methane. Plants not only help the micro wildlife and pollinators, they help our planet breathe, keeping its lungs clean by taking in carbon dioxide, fostering a healthier ecosystem.

Composting your vegetable and fruit scraps gives you nutrient rich soil for your garden, diverts unwanted waste from landfills and lessens the climate crisis. You can #bethechange! Individually, we are drops of water. Collectively, we are the ocean! Consider joining an organization like Think Greenr, LLC  that aligns with your values and sustainability goals. Keep reading our blog posts to learn more about how you too can have a positive impact on the environment and how you can Think Greener. Be sure to read our upcoming post on How to Garden at Home! 

Get Heirloom Non -GMO Seeds Here:

  1. BBB Seed https://amzn.to/3O1ZVIa
  2. Rebel Gardens https://amzn.to/3RtrQUj
  3. Survival Vegetable Seeds Garden Kit https://amzn.to/3Iym2EU


Try Indoor Gardening Here:

  1. IDOO Indoor Garden https://amzn.to/3atWzjD

See our team gardens below!


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