What Can I Do

Think Greener, LLC Help Us Save Our Trees Think-Greener.com Trees Help Reduce the Effects of Climate Change - #BeTheChange

What Can I Do To Help
Fight the Climate Crisis?

This is a burning question among most people on the planet. The climate crisis is out of control and people feel overwhelmed, feeling like they can’t do anything to help solve the problems in our ever-changing environment. If we stand by and do nothing, our mother earth will die, human life on the planet will become unlivable, and it will be too late to reverse the climate crisis. If we do nothing as an individual, we have only ourselves to blame. As the Website Design and Development Project Manager for Think Greener, LLC and having worked in the Sustainable Energy industry for over 15 years, I want to help answer this question on all levels, not just on a microeconomic level for the individual, but also on a macroeconomic scale for groups in neighborhoods, subdivisions, cities, townships, corporations, and even governments. The fact is, we can each take small steps which turn into big projects every day to improve our carbon footprints and if each of us reaches our sustainable goals individually, we can work together to #bethechange and transform our environment on the macular level to reverse negative climate change.

I hear you asking yourself, “What can I do to help Think Greener, LLC reverse negative climate change? Is funding the only answer? While money is a big part of making everyday changes, especially in helping us make our film documentaries and build our website to get our messages out to the world, it is not the only answer. There are affordable or even free acts we can each commit, too. For instance, the first step for all of us is to admit there is a huge problem, and we are each a part of that problem. Once we admit we are part of the problem, we need to take action to become a part of the solution. We can write our state’s legislature informing them of the climate crisis and viable sustainable solutions our government can use to help communities, at congress.gov/state-legislature-websites. The more individuals who educate our government by writing letters and emails about the climate crisis, the more our politicians will listen. If we band together, we become a political action committee. Some of the largest political action groups raise the most funds and are what push bills into laws on all levels of government.

The next step is to talk about the climate crisis out loud with everyone and anyone willing to listen and to work with you to make changes in their daily lives as well. Your friends and family, teachers, coworkers, employers and employees, neighbors, landlords or students, for example, are all people in the community who can help you build sustainable and renewable projects on your property, your neighborhood, at school or even at work to begin reversing negative effects of your carbon footprint.

Writing and talking to people don’t cost much except maybe a few cents in postage and time, but it’s important not to just talk about our problems though. Each of us needs to take responsibility and take action to solve the problems of harmful climate change. Once you have decided you want to help reverse the negative effects of climate change, the important thing is to act and act now! Whether it’s donating to your favorite cause like Think Greener, LLC, building a compost bucket, placing solar batteries for your apartment, reducing your home’s energy usage, getting your company to implement a “green no paper policy”, planting a garden, or holding signs at a climate march, every little bit helps the big picture.

These are only a couple of things you can do now to start. There is so much more we can all do together. As I write posts for the Think Greener, LLC Blog, I will research technologies and solutions to help reverse climate change and spotlight sustainable solutions for all of us, especially for individuals who want to do more in their own communities. If we can motivate you to #BeTheChange then we are doing our job, following our passions and together, we can build a better tomorrow for everyone around the world!

Check out these links for some more ideas on how you can fight the climate crisis and help offset your carbon footprint today!

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