Amazon Pachamama Alliance
A proud moment for Scotland as they implement the world’s largest underwater tidal turbine! 74 meters long, weighing in at 680 metric tons, located in the waters off Orkney, an archipelago in the UK, the turbine is now producing enough renewable electricity to power approximately 2,000 homes!
The turbine is preparing to also send power to an electrolyzer that will generate green hydrogen! You can view the article for detailed information.
Think Greener Spotlighting New Sustainable Solutions
The urgency of addressing global warming has never been clearer. When you turn on the news channels or radio you will probably see or hear of some form of climate change. Lately it’s been about deadly climate-driven disasters unfolding around the world, from flash floods in Europe, North America and Asia, to intense wildfires in Siberia, to widespread persistent heat waves and droughts that threaten to upend food supplies in the U.S., Middle East and much of Africa. Hmm… scary stuff and some people don’t want to talk about it? Well, the IPCC, Think Greener and many other people around the world are taking action!
Have you ever heard of the IPCC? If not, you may want to become familiar with it. The Intergovernmental Panel… Continue reading
On June 25, 2021, I blogged about how air conditioners are an underrated aspect of the overall conversation about climate change as they are major greenhouse gas contributors and present many challenges for the world to achieve a sustainable green future. Today’s article talks about one solution to phase out traditional AC units and replace them with a heat pump.
Gradient is a US based company that has designed a plug and play heat pump that can go into a window, does not obstruct the view and utilizing climate friendly refrigerant that is about 30% more efficient than a traditional AC unit.
Plug & Play Heat Pump AC window Unit
Spotlighting Sustainable Solution