Floating autonomous seaweed farms have the potential to sequester carbon and cool the ocean while reducing ocean acidity! Multiple start-ups are researching solutions that will utilize small solar powered robotic boats to pull underwater colonies of fast-growing seaweed. This, potentially, could sequester as much carbon as 250 trees.
While more RND is needed, it is an interesting concept to help reverse climate change. The boat would avoid shipping lanes, navigate to colder waters, trim the crop when fully grown so it falls to the ocean floor where it will remain.
Please have a look at this cutting-edge solution where people are thinking outside the conventional thought process. Forward thinkers must be brave enough to try something new and not be afraid to fail! My hat… Continue reading
I am always saying, there is no one person or one solution that will help reverse climate change! That is why, it is vital we all act and implement new solutions within our daily routine.
Please check out Project Drawdown latest release called Climate Solutions at Work! This publication empowers all employees to be the change, implement climate solutions in the workplace and help leadership rethink old ways to achieve beyond net zero emissions! Your company will thrive in this fast-changing world as we make this transition into a new green economy.
Through job functions such as human resources, marketing, governmental affairs and more, the guide helps companies focus on social, political, and financial capital that draws down emissions. You can #BeTheChange and use… Continue reading