How to Build the
New Energy Transition

As the world enters an epic energy transition, decentralization of large power plants and switching to regional renewable infrastructure, like wind and solar, are critical. This is an incredible undertaking the construction industry must support!

More than $4 trillion will be spent by 2030 to meet our net zero goal! It will also require tripling the amount of current production of renewables such as wind and solar. In the next decade, the United States is expected to spend $1trillion on renewable energy.

For this energy transition to become a reality, the world needs to come together and scale up financing, specialized engineering teams, pre-construction and construction processes, consultants, labor, procurement of materials, transportation, and technology. Innovations in technology will be the key answers to this undertaking, allowing for expediting and streamlining the management and delivery processes to preventing construction delays.

Be sure to checkout out this quick read for further details: “Constructing the Energy Transition!

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