Reforestation Campaign In Uganda

Together with Trinity Forestry Services in Uganda, Africa

Your contribution helps plant trees in our reforestation campaign, reclaiming degraded ecosystems!!

Uganda, Africa is home to a massive reforestation campaign to restore degraded ecosystems and establish effective carbon sequestration sinks. This project of Trinity Forestry Services – Uganda, has a main goal of planting and growing over one million trees by December, 2022. So far, we have planted 300,000 trees using Agroforestry and other models. We have accomplished 30% of our target and seek to hit the goal even before December 2022.

The UN’s Clean Development Mechanism encourages investment in Green projects, and Trinity Forestry’s Uganda is calling upon you to invest in this project to help us plant trees and offer genuine carbon offsets to counteract civilization’s large carbon footprints. By increasing carbon storage through land restoration and tree planting and growing, we can help compensate for emissions that occur anywhere in the world.

On average, a young tree sequesters 9.5 kilograms (21 pounds) of carbon in its first year, and the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered increases as the trees grow. We estimate that carbon sequestered by planting one million trees – based on height and diameter of the trees against time/age of the trees – will exceed 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

We are joining hands with our partner in carbon offsetting – Trinity Forestry Services – to reach our goal. Think Greener, LLC is raising funds to support this reforestation and reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide, as well as involving and including young people and women in this crucial environmental work.

We shall be honored to receive your contribution to support life in all of our futures.

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