
Think Greener, LLC
Reflections on COP26

Realizing we are up against the largest existential threat of mass extinction caused by human choices, #COP26 was a pivotal moment in history and Think Greener, LLC made a conscious decision to have a seat at the table in Glasgow, Scotland. We wanted to hear firsthand the voices of the people from around the world fighting for a just future to avoid the tipping point of no return where Mother Earth can no longer regenerate herself. We wanted to capture this moment through the lens of Think Greener, LLC sustainable spotlight!

As we disembarked from the train in Glasgow Central Train Station, the whistle was blowing, and cameras were flashing brightly. To our surprise Prince William and Kate were… Continue reading

2021 International Climate Action Challenge
90 Day Eco Champion

Have you ever heard of COP26? Not everyone has! Think Greener, LLC is preparing for another carbon neutral 3-month travel around the world!  We depart in late October with intensions of attending the 2021 United Nations Global Climate Change Conference, often referred to as Conference of the Parties (COP26). The 26 stands for the number of annual meetings held since 1995. This year, it will be held in Glasgow, Scotland between October 31st and November 12th and it is… Continue reading

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