Think Greener Every Day!
Did you ever think hot sand could be a sustainable solution helping to reverse climate change?
The answer is, yes. I touched on this concept in a recent blog called Renewable Energy Storage Solutions. Lithium-ion batteries are great energy storage for laptops, small electronics and EV’s but it’s not always the best method for storing renewable energy for long durations and at larger capacities.
This is where sand comes into action! Helping the world to achieve carbon neutrality in the built environment. As we implement more renewable energy sources to power our buildings, industries, and the grid with solar and wind, we need continuous power even when the sun and wind are not available.
To meet this energy storage challenge, scientist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are finalizing a scalable game changing solution that utilizes inexpensive sand as the storage medium. To help you understand the solution, I will simplify the process for you. The process uses excess clean energy from wind and solar that cannot be utilized by the power grid to heat the sand particles to 1,200 degrees Celsius. The molten sand is then gravity fed and stored in large concrete silos to create the energy storage component (much like a battery). When energy is needed, molten sand is released heating a pressurized gas which turns a turbine that spins a generator to create clean electricity for the power grid! Genius! Brilliant! Renewable! Scalable! Can you tell, I am excited!
I hope you are also excited for our renewable and regenerative future. Say goodbye to the fossil fuel industry, out with the old and in with the new sustainable solutions! Remember, Think Greener!