Serbia Thinking Greener
With LIQUID3 CO2 – O2

Sustainable solutions come in many forms and sizes as indicated in my blogs. I am proud to spotlight Serbia’s effort to bring climate change awareness and carbon sequestration to the heart of their capital city, Belgrade in the form of an outdoor urban photo bioreactor that uses the process of photosynthesis to convert Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to Oxygen (O2)!

Wow… sounds complicated and expensive. This tech, called LIQUID3 is not so complicated and is also financially feasible. LIQUID3 is the solution! It is a safe, simple, and inexpensive technology serving as an educational component implemented into the city’s streetscape. LIQUID3 sequestration of carbon contributes to the reduction of Greenhouse Gasses (GHG) in the air… Continue reading

A Big Problem Being Solved at a Scalable Solution Around the World!

There are startup companies all over the world working on new sustainable pathways helping to reverse climate change by reducing CO2 emissions during the production of concrete. Did you know concrete is one of the most used commodities in the world only 2nd to water?

Before I left corporate America in January 2021, I completed a value engineering study for the Smithsonian in Washington DC. The project was a renovation/new design of the world famous Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden beside the National Mall. With my passion for sustainability and forward thinking, I brought multiple value engineering options to the table for consideration that would reduce the designs impact on humanity, environment,… Continue reading

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