Think Greener Spotlighting Sustainable Solution in Lubin, Poland
Think Greener’s website talks about living in grounded optimism, much like what I will talk about today in my blog! Humanity already has the solutions to reverse climate change like wind, solar and many others and we clearly understand there is a global warming problem. When humanity comes together in grounded optimism and consciousness there will be a direct connection with nature allowing for the earth to replenish itself and for humanity to start livening in harmony with Mother Earth. I am positive we will be able to achieve worldwide net zero emissions with the help from governments around the world as they reduce the subsides currently provided to fossil fuel extraction and redirect them to renewable energy solutions.
A new record was just set in the American history books for the hottest month of June ever recorded! Yes, that was this past June 2021. Portland Oregon set a record of 116 degrees Fahrenheit that melted power cables. British Columbia, Canada hit a sweltering 121 degrees Fahrenheit.
These are the facts of how the earth is changing and is trending to get warmer and have extreme weather events that occur at a higher frequency. Please read this short article and make sure to watch the video about how air conditioners in the built environment present a challenge for humanities existence on earth. As I mention in my earlier posts, we must not continue to design and build with old technologies, means and methods. We… Continue reading