Be The Change

I can’t hear the Solar powered train coming down the tracks! Yes, that’s right… you read it correctly! Soon diesel locomotives will be a thing of the past, replaced by locomotives of the future running 100% on solar power.
The Solar Train Team in Sonoma, California is working towards creating an 80ft train powered 100% by solar, and travel at speeds up to 65 mph by 2022! Currently, India has implemented solar panels on their trains to power auxiliary needs such as fans, A/C, and lights. This solution alone, is estimated to save 5,547 gallons of diesel fuel each year, equivalent to $20,000 in fuel saving per train.
Another opportunity for solar to help decarbonize the railway systems is… Continue reading

NYC Catastrophic Flash Flooding

Climate Migration is happening to society at many different levels around the world and is becoming more frequent and not just temporary anymore! Much like eastern North Carolina, that sits on a coastal plain, vulnerable to flooding due to the increase of extreme rainfall and hurricanes influenced by climate change.
Looking back, about 2 years ago, while working in corporate America, I would attend company meetings to discuss business development opportunities, identify new trends and mitigation efforts that would be needed in the future. I spoke up and said, “Soon the world will be facing mass migration of human civilizations at a large scale because of climate change”. Honestly, I am not sure how many of my team members really understood… Continue reading

I have some exciting news to share with you all!

Think Greener has enrolled in the Green Team Academy 2021 International #ClimateActionChallenge! Our team is comprised of 4 passionate ordinary people, two from the East coast, one from the Midwest, and one from the West coast of the USA. We are Team #49 out of 61 from 25 countries that have stepped up to participate in the challenge. Think Greener is part of 207 challengers from Barbados, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Curaçao, Dominica, Egypt, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Switzerland, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe!

Team Think Greener Team #49 International Climate Action Challenge Certificate 2021

ICAC21 90 Day Challenge Certificate

Today marks day 1 of the 90-day challenge and Think Greener is looking forward to… Continue reading

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