Realizing we are up against the largest existential threat of mass extinction caused by human choices, #COP26 was a pivotal moment in history and Think Greener, LLC made a conscious decision to have a seat at the table in Glasgow, Scotland. We wanted to hear firsthand the voices of the people from around the world fighting for a just future to avoid the tipping point of no return where Mother Earth can no longer regenerate herself. We wanted to capture this moment through the lens of Think Greener, LLC sustainable spotlight!
As we disembarked from the train in Glasgow Central Train Station, the whistle was blowing, and cameras were flashing brightly. To our surprise Prince William and Kate were… Continue reading
Preparation for PII – COP26 Here We Come!
Think Greener prepares its sustainable spotlight for its departure of Phase II – World Travels to France, Scotland, England, Poland and possibly Asia (Covid Permitting-Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam). We are especially excited to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference also known as COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland from Nov 1, 2021 – Nov 12, 2021. This event has been postponed for twelve months due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland and around the world! It will be a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change as the UN Brings together almost every country on earth for global climate meetings called COPs, which stands for the Conference of the Parties.
Due to the cancellation of last year’s… Continue reading